Thursday, June 6, 2013

Healthy Living with Emma... E-Book

 MMMMMmmmmmm!!  Looks good?   
Smoothie anyone?
What do you think?

                         DROOLING YET?!

 Well, there is more where that came from!
But for now, let's familiarize with the creator of these goodies.
This is EMMA!  A cooler than cool woman. Super sexy lady. Kind and loving EMMA!
She is an encyclopedia of LIVING HEALTHY!
    She can change your lifestyle in a very good way!

               She is on the road of recovery from some unfortunate events that came together to form her in what she is today!

Her story is incredible and nowadays she has the power and energy to tell it.
Read of about it  HERE

This beauty just went into surgery.


  This is a photo from the recovery room.

  her words are a true inspiration for anyone!
"The surgery was a success. This morning I walked in with a pulse of 40. This beautiful picture says it all. I'm in a lot of pain now but it's temporary.

Cheers to new beginnings!!!:))"

WHY?  why surgery?  WHY HEART SURGERY?

how better way to learn about it, then "hearing" it in her own words


After a long time of testing and finding out the best for her, she developed and mastered healthy smoothies. Each one has a certain amount of vitamins and minerals especially designed for different necessities.

Need Energy?
Want a glowing skin?
Keep extra pounds off?

Philip and I were lucky enough to taste the goodness of Emma's smoothies and take the photos which now are in an E-Book. If you choose to live healthy, get yours today! 

                          Emma's E-Book

Emma's E-Book

Living in Arizona?   Need photos done? A video?

stay healthy